£1 Trial Period Membership Agreement
This agreement is made between Daniele Fiori founder of Limitless Valley and the Client.
By paying for the Membership the client, acknowledges that he has read and accepted the information contained in The Agreement and indicates their assent to the terms of The Agreement.
The Trial Period last 10 days. After that the client will be automatically billed for the annual membership subscription. If the client doesn't wish to continue after the trial period, they need to stop the subscription or inform Limitless Valley before the automatic payment is made.
The annual subscription can be changed in a lifetime subscription at any time by informing us and paying the difference.
The client agree that fees must be paid in advance and are not refundable. Fiori Daniele and client acknowledge that the client wants to make significant progress and change in their life and that progress and change happen at rates that are unique to each individual.
I, (client), agree to the following:
I take personal responsibility for the results I hope to get.
I realize that my commitment is essential to my success.
I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being, including my choices and decisions. I understand that I am always free to reject any advice, suggestions or requests present in the membership area.
I understand that the information and/or advice present in the membership area are not to be used in lieu of professional advice for psychological, legal, financial, medical, tax, or other matters normally handled by other professionals.
The client will indemnify Daniele Fiori and Limitless Valley (them) in the event of all claims that may be made against them as a consequence of any loss sustained by the them as a consequence of the client's default in performance of any of their agreed obligations. To the fullest extent allowed by law, the client will not hold them liable for any loss, damage or cost, economic or otherwise sustained by the client (or any person associated with the client) in the event of mental, physical, emotional stress or distress (or other ailment or condition) caused either directly or indirectly in relation to the information and advice present in the membership area. The client shall indemnify them in the event of any such claim.
Daniele Fiori agrees to comply with the Law in respect of any personal or health information collected, held and used by, in connection with this Agreement and the use of the membership site. The details of this Agreement and any related client information will not be shared with or used by any third party without prior written consent from the client.
Intellectual Property Rights
Neither the Agreement, these Terms and Conditions, nor the payment of any corresponding fees, gives rise to, or shall give rise to, the creation of, the assignment to, or transfer of, any intellectual property rights in favor of, or in respect of, the client. In particular, nothing in these Terms and Conditions or in the Agreement gives rise to any subsisting or created intellectual property rights.
The client has no right to use or reproduce any of the materials, except for their own personal use or possession including for purposes of the client's own internal business monitoring, performance or people assessment needs (but not otherwise, in any circumstance, for purposes of any separately arranged or derived economic gain, either directly or indirectly organized).
Mutual Nondisclosure
Fiori Daniele and Limitless Valley will not voluntarily communicate the client's information to a third party. In order to honor and protect Fiori Daniele and Limitless Valley's intellectual properties, the client expressly agrees not to disclose or communicate any proprietary information about their practice, materials, or methods to any third parties. Them all agree to be bound by this mutual nondisclosure agreement during and after the termination of the membership.